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About me

My name is Rohan Goel, and I am a man who is passionate about Ayurveda, a healthy lifestyle, and alternate therapies.

The philosophy of this blog lies in this simple yet powerful shloka.


     By profession, I am a Chef with 10+ years of experience in cooking and baking.  I began my journey in the wonderful spa (Ananda in the Himalayas) and start learning the concept of Ayurveda with Dr. Shijoe Mathew, and how to include them in delicious food and daily routine, to create a healthy and disease-free lifestyle. When I started digging more and more in this science I realize it is possible to remain healthy, without the use of any chemical and medicine just by following Ayurvedic way of living and hence created the blog.

    In this blog you will find three things:
  • The Ayurvedic way of living as described in scriptures such as Ashtanga Hridayam, The Sushruta Samhita (सुश्रुत संहिता), The Charaka Samhita (चरक संहिता), etc.,
  • Methods to use your kitchen ingredient as medicine in different Ailments.
  • Health tips.

       I began my new journey by writing a few blogs article, and now I work in the Kitchen during the day and works on the blog at night.
I am an ordinary person who enjoys helping others in pain and distress. I love to do yoga, cooking, meditation, and reading scriptures in my free time.

If you share similar interests, feel free to subscribe to my blog and follow my Instagram account.

I have another blog in which I try to teach the Sanskrit language as well.


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