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Amazing, unbelievable health benefits of Indian gooseberry a.k.a Amla part II

Let see what is exactly amla is and why it is considered as a super food

  • Amla is a super food according to many Ayurvedic scriptures and has amazing health benefits. It can be used as fresh as well as in dried form. It is used in various medicine and health product from ancient times.
  •  It is sour but not acidic like other fruits, astringent, but sweet, also bitter and pungent in taste. It is light and dry in nature. After digestion Alma is sweet and having a cooling effect on the body.
  •  It contains all the taste except salt and is helpful in the cure of almost all the diseases. It helps to prolong the life spans of humans.
  • It imparts memory, balanced intellect, health, youthfulness, lustrous body and a clear voice. 
  • It helps reduce tendencies for headaches, confusion of thought, psychic disorders and memory loss.
  • Its regular use will promote vigor and vitality in the body within a few days.
  • Amla has highest source of vitamin C, which is equivalent to 20 oranges and it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B complex, citric acid and ascorbic acid as well.
  • You can make amla powder and drink with water to prolong the shelf life of Amla.
  • Amla is considered as the best medicine among all the anti-aging herbs.
  • It is also good for eyes and improving vision power.
  • It helps to reduce all the tri-doshas viz., Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
  •  It is also very useful in bleeding disorders as well as in diabetes and urinary tract disorders.
  • The seed of amla is sweet and astringent its help in relieves cold and Pitta disorder.
  • It overcomes the degenerative effects of old age.

How to eat Amla easily:
You can easily find amla in your nearby super market or hypermarket. When I try it the first time it feels very sour and gives a drying sensation in the mouth but with these little tricks, you can enjoy eating amla and gain the benefits of this super food.
Firstly, lick a bit of salt before biting the amla, which makes their taste less sour and a combination of astringent and sweet.
Secondly, you can sip a little water, which can change the taste too sharp sweet.
You can make amla juice with a hint of lemon and mint to give some twist to the taste.
You can cook amla in sugar to make amla candy to avoid the sour taste.
You can make amla pickle or spread to give a spicy touch to your food.

Uses of Amla:
  1. Amla, when administered with ghee, honey, and oil for one month, is a geriatric tonic for general debility, lack of disease resistance and memory loss.
  2. In winter, when vitality is low, Amla with Ashwagandha, ghee, and honey is restorative and invigorating. 
  3. In the treatment of tuberculosis, a tablespoonful each of fresh amla juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.
  4. The water of amla powder is superb for hair problems. We can soak dry amla for overnight and use the water for the last rinse while washing hair.
  5. If you have gray hair problem and dandruff, use a spoon of amla juice with almond oil or lemon juice to massage your scalp every night.
  6. For Amla oil, you can make boil dry amla pieces in coconut oil, which is used in pre maturing hairs, and help in enriching the hair growth and hair pigmentation. It helps to maintain the hair color, improves luster and strengthens the roots.
  7. A tablespoon of amla juice along with bitter gourd juice help in reducing diabetes.
  8. For high blood pressure, fresh amla juice with equal quantity of honey can be taken every morning.
  9. Amla is a common fruit that has been mentioned in Ayurveda in the management of anemia.
  10. Amla is also considered useful in preventing abortion.
  11. A teaspoonful of fresh amla juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning during the period of pregnancy.
  12.  It will also prevent infections and help in the absorption of iron.

Side effects of Amla:
Being a natural coolant it should not be used by people suffering from cold, cough, and other cold diseases. It can worsen the symptoms.
Like any other food eating too, much of Amla (4gm) can make dry rashes in some people.

Amla powder according to body type:

Amla powder for Vata balance – If you have Vata imbalance, like joint diseases, gas trouble, then Amla can be taken along with sesame oil (gingelly oil). The quantity can be – one teaspoon of amla with two teaspoons of sesame oil. If you do not like the taste of sesame oil, you can make a paste of amla powder and sesame oil and swallow it with hot water

Amla powder for Pitta balance – If you want to achieve Pitta balance, if you have digestion problems, or some skin related issues like acne, you can have Amla along with ghee (clarified butter). The dose can be – one teaspoon of Amla churn with one teaspoon of clarified butter. Follow it up with a glass of hot water.
Another way to take Amla powder for Pitta is to take it along with jaggery. 
Amla powder for Kapha balance – For Kapha balance, for diseases like obesity, respiratory diseases etc,  you may have Amla churn along with honey.
If none of these are available, you can simply add amla powder into water and drink it as such.
So in one way or the other, make sure to include some Amla in your diet.
I believe most of the amazing benefits you don't know before but now you know. then why are waiting for, go to market grab some fresh Amla or dried Amla or powder and try it. don't forget to share your experience with us. 
Thanks for stopping by.
Do share this amazing post with your friends, family, on facebook, twitter, etc and spread the happiness.


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