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Primary taste: Sweet, astringent
Potency: Cool
Taste after digestion: Sweet (if sweet)/ pungent (if sour)
Doshas: Pitta and Kapha
Apple are good for pitta and kapha, and too dry for vata unless well cooked and spiced. The skin of apple is hard to digest and can cause gastric problems.
Do not eat seed of apple, for they are astringent in nature and bitter and can cause vata aggravation.
Sweet apples are slightly astringent in taste, with cooling effect, and has sweet effect after digestion.
Sour apples are mainly astringent in taste, also with cooling effect, and has pungent effect after digestion. Apple is the best source of fiber which keeps the bowls clean and helps those on dieting by preventing hunger. Apple contains malic acid and tartaric acid, which is helpful in preventing liver and digestion problem.
Apple keep the cholesterol level low and help in strengthening the blood.
Apple per day can remove all toxic, waste product from your body. Apple can reduce acidity from stomach, beneficial for heart, kidney, liver, intestine
Apple being a good source of iron, arsenic, and phosphorus is beneficial in anemia. It ensures the skin is free of acne and boils.
Apple is having antioxidant properties help in anti- aging. It helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines.
Different uses of apple:
1. Mix grated apple and honey and apply on face to freshen up, hydrate and stress-free skin.
2. Add 1 tsp of glycerin in grated apple pulp and apply on your face for 15 min to reduce sun burn.
3. For diarrhea: cooked apple soften the cellulose and provide bulk to feces.
4. Apple juice mixed with honey will make nerve strong, improve digestion, melts kidney stone, reduce a headache, asthma, toothache, and generate new blood.
  All the content on this page should not be considered as medical advised and served as a suggestion only.


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