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Amazing, unbelievable health benefits of Indian gooseberry a.k.a Amla part I

fresh amla

Hey, there here I am with an amazing post article related to our super food Indian gooseberry also known as amla in the Indian subcontinent.

Hmm, let me tell you my exposure and interaction with amla. The first memory I have of eating amla and actually buying amla is from Khari bawli, Chandni Chowk, Delhi my native place.

 I used to sit on the back seat of my father's scooter and we went to the market to buy amla candy popularly known as Amla ka murabba every year in winter seasons. Being a small child I am furious to eat the candy because of its sweet taste without knowing the good effect on my body.

The other form which I remember is chamanprash or chyawanprash or something similar. That’s the first thing me and my sister used to eat before going to school and last thing before sleeping down on the bed.

Back then also many forms are available in the market like amla powder, chutney and you can name it but these two were my favorite and still I eat amla candy

I also remember trying it in a fresh form which is really, really sour and give me the real tingling in the teeth and make my closed same like lemons.

What makes me curious and furious about Amla is recently I saw fresh amla in a super market in Dubai which refresh my childhood memory about it. Therefore, I just start collecting information about it from an Ayurvedic point of view. How it can be used in daily day to day life and take the maximum benefit out of it.

As you will go along with me in the article we will get to know about the  amazing, super fabulous benefits of amla, why Ayurveda consider it as a super food, how to eat it without feeling the tingling in the teeth (actually I like that sensation), how we can add amla in our daily food, common use of amla in different disease a plus  a recipe also to make alma powder according to your body type.

Let’s finishes some technical details about amla.

English name: Indian goose berry
Hindi name: Amla
PRIMARY TASTE: Sour (not acidic), Astringent (but sweet),
TASTE AFTER DIGESTION: Sweet (Madura), and has cooling power.

Dietary fiber: 17%
Vitamin C-46%
Magnesium- 7%
Carbohydrates: 3%
Vitamin A-6%
Proteins: 2%
Vitamin B6-4%
Calories: 2%
to be continued....


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