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What does your digestive tract aka poop say about your health?

Sutra Sthan Chapter 1 Verse 8.5

doshas and digestive tract

कोष्ठःKostha क्रूरो kruro मृदुर् mrdur मध्यो madhyo मध्यः madhyah स्यात् syat तैः taih समैर् samair अपि api ।8.5।

After reading the title most of you will be making a funny face or maybe taking a good laugh, but your bowel/poop says a lot about your health and you can also identify it on regular basis. If you are one of those who sit in the toilet for long hours because of constipation or who frequently visits the toilet several times a day, and you want to know what your bowel/ poop says about your health, then you came on the right place to educate yourself and others. If you think your bowel movement is normal and you are healthy then also keep reading because you will be going to learn something.

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Whenever we get sick and went to the doctor, they ask us one of the prominent questions which are about our bowel movement or poop. Your bowel movement is the most effective index of your health. Your bowel tells you and doctor, what’s happening inside your body internally.
A healthy/ ideal bowel or feces is neither too hard nor soft and is eliminated without difficulty. These may vary according to diet, lifestyle, and unique body type. In Ayurveda stool is evaluated by color, shape, odor, size, frequency, and consistency. Ayurveda motivates people to learn how to recognize a healthy bowel. Further, you can diagnose some serious ailment as a preventive measure by just examine your bowel.

Bowel by doshas:

  • Influenced by VATA: Kroora Koshta
    • It will take a long time for digestion.
    • Bowel evacuation will be irregular
    • The stool will be hard, dry and rough.


    • You should follow VATA pacifying diet which helps in reliving with constipation, gas, bloating, etc., for example, Celery grains (ajavian), cumin, and black salt etc.
    • Medicine like HARITAKI (chebulic myrobalan) and DASHMOOLA are also effective in VATA influenced bowel evacuation. 
Related:    Top six qualities of Vata, you have never heard before.             

  • Influenced by PITA: Mrudu Koshta
    • It will take a very short time for digestion.
    • The Stomach will be very sensitive. Even milk can cause evacuation of feces.
    • Bowel/feces will be soft, semi-solid, or liquid.
    • Poop occurs more than once a day.


    • You should follow the PITTA pacifying diet which helps in reliving with inflammation, irritation of the stomach, etc., for example, mint leaves, bitter food, buttermilk, ghee, etc.
    • Medicine like AMALAKI (Indian gooseberry) is also effective in PITTA influence bowel evacuation.

    • Influenced by KAPHA: Madhya Koshta
      • Bowel evacuation will be proper and at the proper time.
      • Bowel/feces are neither hard-solid nor liquid.
      • Sometimes contains sluggish mucus in the bowel.


      • You should follow the KAPHA pacifying diet which helps in reliving with the heaviness of stomach etc., for example, warm lemon tea with honey; ginger root, fennel, neem leaf powder.
      • Medicine like BIBHITAKI( baheda) is also effective in KAPHA influence bowel evacuation. 
    This is also the ideal condition and also does not give rise to any disease while the earlier two are abnormal and cause ill-health.

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